September 18, 2008

Idaho and Spuds. Need I say more?

My mom was gracious enough to come with me to Blackfoot, ID while I got my car fixed. We did our typical Walmart shopping and checked out the $ store.

Then we had to try the new Jr. Banana Splits at Sonic. They were very yummy and very tiny. Perfect snack size. When we got done with everything we were going to do my car still wasn't done. So what else is there to do in Blackfoot? Why check out the world famous potato museum of course!

Now that's a big potato!

We had to check out the gorgeous potato fashions. Hopefully no one outside of the museum is sporting these styles although Marilyn makes a potato sack look good!

There was a lot of spud machinery on display.

I had to take a picture of the horsies for my Carlee.

And the trains for Mr. Collin.

They had a whole cabinet devoted to just potato mashers.

This is the biggest pringle EVER! It wouldn't last long at my house...

Whole lotta spud.

Very colorful spuds. Collin thought these were weird.

Mom's new potato bud.

I was going to take a bite out of him but thought better of it.

Collin was looking at these pictures while I was downloading them and now he wants to go see the huge potato out front!


3 wisecracks:

Twilight Man said...

I love your blog about Idaho Potatoes & its pixs as I have heard so much. I am also a fan of Pringles chips.

Anonymous said...

i like......

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